09 Oktober 2010

Marissa nasution (VJ Marissa)

Nama Lengkap:Marissa Nasution
Nama Pangilan:VJ Marissa
Tempat / tanggal lahir:Jakarta / 08 Februari 1986
Tinggi:174 cm
Warna Rambut:Coklat Tua
Warna Mata:Coklat
Jumlah Saudara:2 (Adik, Carina dan Juliette)
Pendidikan:High School and University in Germany (Finance and Law) 
Prestasi:- Fashion and Runway Model in Jakarta
- Fashion and Runway Model in Singapore
- Fashion and Runaway Model in Kuala Lumpur. 
- VJ MTV Indonesia 
- Acting (syuting 2 Film sekarang) 
- MC 
- Model 
Hobi:- Menulis skenario dan artikel
- Travel keliling Asia dan Eropa
- Sleeping when I get the time 
Pekerjaan:Fashion Model since 2005 VJ MTV Indonesia since February 2007 Movies: Namaku Dick (2008) FTV: Ojek Bang Jeck (2008)
Naga Bukan Bonar (2008) What I’m doing now? Getting ready for another 2 movies
Deskripsi:Many people ask why I chose to live in Jakarta, simple answer, just because I love it! 
But the story how I landed here was more accidental than planned.

It all started while I spent my summer holidays here in Jakarta. I was supposed to stay for 3 months but life doesn't always take the turn we planned. I met the right people and suddenly I found myself alone in this big city. It was hard at the beginning, getting to know the streets and especially getting to used to the crazy traffic. My parents weren’t too happy either, letting go their first daughter to hit it off all by herself in this mega city.

But things changed and so did their opinion. I started to work as a model, doing fashion shows and photo shoots for magazines. In February 2007 I met one of the bosses from MTV on the Guess Faces to Watch Final Night. Although I didn’t win the competition but I won so much more – a casting for the VJ position. Since that day my life changed and sometimes it still feels like a rollercoaster. 

But one thing I’ve learned, chances come when you least expect it and every day you learn something new. Living here in Indonesia is not just because of a job, it is a life experience and I don’t regret any day.

sum: blog>> marissa-nasution.com

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